Thursday, October 18, 2012

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" -Wayne Dyer

I've always been someone who hated change. No matter how big or small the change is it never settles well with me. It is natural for people to fear change. Even if people don't admit it most people LOVE their routine.  They enjoy knowing what is on the agenda for tomorrow and what to expect in the future.  That is definitely the case for me, I love having a routine and being settled into my routine.  Every time that a big change happens in my life I always seem to go through an emotional roller coaster; happy, sad, scared, excited, and of course fearful.  Recently I encountered a HUGE change in life.  I graduated from high school in June 2012 and started my first year of college in August.  For me, High School was wonderful.  I was blessed with an amazing group of friends, was involved in my classes student government, and participated in many activities.  I loved high school and I was so settled into my routine there and felt so comfortable.  All summer I had been anticipating college, I found myself being so excited for this change, but also so very scared.  Majority of my friends went away to different schools as well as my boyfriend.  I however, am staying in my hometown and attending the local community college while I figure out exactly what 4 year college I want to attend and figure out my exact plan in life.  The first few weeks at school were hectic and overwhelming, but I knew that soon enough it would all settle down and become my new routine.  I was so excited to meet new friends and get involved in lots of activities like high school.  A few weeks ago I got really down and started having a "pity party" for myself.  I was so frustrated because I had not met any new friends and felt like I was spending all my time either at school, doing homework, or working.  I let myself feel down and unhappy for a good two weeks.  I am not someone who likes to be down or is an unhappy person.  I like to be upbeat and enjoy everyday I am given to the absolute fullest.  One day I woke up and decided that things were not going to get better by feeling sorry for myself, they were only going to get better if I put in the effort to make this first year of college and the years after a positive and happy experience.  This realization allowed me to begin to enjoy college, I am starting to make new friends and involve myself in some activities.  I came to the realization that although change is scary, it will always be a part of life.  It is important to not FEAR the future or change because life is full of changes and moving forward.  It is great to love the past and appreciate the experiences and memories you received from it, but it is extremely important that you embrace new changes in your life and the future with open arms because someday you will encounter a new change and you want to always be able to look fondly on the memories you have created.  I am so happy to be loving and embracing this new time in my life.  It is such a crucial time in my life.  I get to choose who I want to be and what I want to do with my life.  So next time you find yourself fearful of change or the future make sure to change the way you are looking, have your eyes look back at the past with happiness and look forward to the future with excitement and courage.

Much Love,

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