Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had an amazing holiday season with those that you love. December was an AMAZING month for me. I went to San Francisco and New York with my family which were both really cool experiences. I LOVE big cities and their is just something extremely special about big cities at Christmas time. Along with those trips I enjoyed decorating the house and the tree with my family.  My family goes all out with decorations which is one of my favorite things about the holiday.  I also attended lots of Christmas parties as well as hosted our annual Christmas party with my family.  Of course the best part of this month was CHRISTMAS! I had an amazing time enjoying the day with my family and feel so extremely blessed for all the gifts I received! Then the day after Christmas was my BIRTHDAY I turned 19! I spent the day getting my nails done, going to a movie, dinner with the family, and spending the night with my friends. It was overall a FANTASTIC month filled with lots of fun, family, and friends.

Here are some pictures from the past month!

I want to apologize for not giving my blog any attention in the month of December. Not only was I on the go, but I was also extremely busy finishing up the semester and taking my finals.  As 2013 approaches I have made the resolution to give my blog complete and full attention in 2013! Along with posting more on my blogs, I am also going to be creating a YouTube video where I will post makeup tutorials, fashion videos, and different vlogs.  

I love you ALL & I hope you all had the absolute BEST holiday season!

Follow me on twitter & instagram

twitter: @journeyofjenna
instagram: jennamarie93